Thursday, October 1, 2009

Our beautiful girl turned 13 today!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back to School

This was out first week back at school. I can't believe Kendra is in the 7th grade now! Tyler is in his last year of elementary school. He's at my school with me now. I am enjoying my new job as the computer teacher and tech resource for my school I will be going through network administration training starting mid-September. I'm looking forward to it!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our new addition

About 10 days ago we added a member to our family. His name is Max. We rescued him from the shelter and he's been great. He came to us fixed, housebroken, and leash trained. He's been so much fun and Tyler is loving having a buddy to play with!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Camping at Ft. Desoto

The week after school got out we went camping at Ft. Desoto with friends. We had such a good time. We were right on the water and had a nice breeze blowing in (we thought our tarp was gonna blow away a few times).

Memorial Day

OK...I know it was over a month ago..but I've been busy!
We spent Memorial Day at Clearwater Beach. We had a great time!!

Happy Fourth!!

We are having a great summer! Spending lots of time with Daddy during the mornings and early afternoon before he heads off to work for the evening. It's so nice to be able to spend more time with him. We went camping for a week at the beginning of June...sorry...I really didn't take many pics. We've been going to the movies alot...Transformers was awesome!!! Looking forward to fun at the beach for the 4th! Hope you have a happy and safe holiday!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So excited!

Just found out this afternoon about a new job for next year. I'll be working as a computer teacher and technology resource at an elementary school much closer to home. While I'll miss my colleagues at my current school, I am very excited about this new opportunity. That coupled with finishing up my Master's degree has made this a pretty good month!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My helper

Jim went with my class as a chaperone on our field trip to MOSI yesterday. We laid on a bed of nails, and there were times that I couldn't tell who was having more fun...Jim or my third graders!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Getting ready!

We are getting so excited about our Spring Break trip. We're going to see Kim, Kevin, and Brady in Port Ewan, NY for a few days (hopefully Kim can so me how to make our blogspot look cool like hers) then headed to the Big Apple for 2 days then to Washington DC for 3 days then home again!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  

2008 was full of changes for our family, and we are looking forward to things settling down a bit in 2009.