Friday, July 3, 2009

Camping at Ft. Desoto

The week after school got out we went camping at Ft. Desoto with friends. We had such a good time. We were right on the water and had a nice breeze blowing in (we thought our tarp was gonna blow away a few times).

Memorial Day

OK...I know it was over a month ago..but I've been busy!
We spent Memorial Day at Clearwater Beach. We had a great time!!

Happy Fourth!!

We are having a great summer! Spending lots of time with Daddy during the mornings and early afternoon before he heads off to work for the evening. It's so nice to be able to spend more time with him. We went camping for a week at the beginning of June...sorry...I really didn't take many pics. We've been going to the movies alot...Transformers was awesome!!! Looking forward to fun at the beach for the 4th! Hope you have a happy and safe holiday!